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Is Double the Tax an Appropriate Tip Amount?

25 Apr

A Waitresses Perspective

Is double the tax sufficient? According to many it is. In a survey I took asking what is the proper tip amount, to  men and woman from the age of 18-50, eight out of 10 people said double the tax was an appropriate tipping strategy. When actually doubling the tax, depending on what state you live in, falls just under the 15 percent minimum.

This brings up a good question. Is it more common for people to under or over tip? According to four waitresses that I interviewed, all said that is actually more common for people to under-tip.

The explanation for this could be caused by several different factors, the most common of which has to do with our economy. But, tip is a part of the expense of going out to dine.

What many people do not know is that servers get paid less than minimum wage. They usually get paid a few dollars less than minimum wage, but, they make tips and that is supposed to compensate for their loss of money hourly.

Servers like Vanessa Rodriguez are greatly effected by their tips. ” At the end of the day,” She states, “We have to tip out the bar.” This means that at the end of each shift all servers must put their tips together and distribute them evenly amongst other employees. Thus, in her situation not receiving a tip greatly influences how much money she takes home.

Other employees of restaurants like Michelle Takacs, Alex Parker, and Kathleen Joyce agree, that tips are imperative to their pay. Michelle Takacs explains ” Our pay is basically made up of tips, after taxes, that’s basically what we take home.” they all agree that they work very hard for their tips. “When we go home at the end of the day,” states Kathleen, “Our feet hurt and we’re tired, all to make sure that our costumers have a good experience and enjoy their meals.”

Hence, waitresses work very hard for their tips. They cater to their customers needs and attempt to be very attentive. Doubling the tax is definitely not enough tip for excellent service. For regular service tip should be minimum 15 percent. For excellent service, tip should be minimum 18-20 percent. So next time you go out to eat, tip kindly. Press play to watch what these waitresses had to say.

Credit Card Trouble

24 Apr

I got a new credit card the other day. I like to think of it as a little magical card that gives you anything you want at the swipe of a card.

But, the wizards at the credit card company make you feel like everything is great… And then interest and payment sneaks up on you.

Ways to avoid/ eliminate credit card debt:

– Charge as little as possible. Only charge things only if you know you will have the money to pay for it within the next week.

– NEVER pay the minimum payment. Always try to pay off the full amount or at least 50%-70% of your bill.

– If your trying to pay off your bill, leave your card home. Adding to your bill is easy and if you may be tempted to charge, leave it home.

These tips should help you pay off your bills and reduce your debt.

Work is a Drag.

11 Apr

Who likes to work? Not me. I know, I know. It seems as if I’m always complaining about something. Maybe I am, maybe I am not, all I know is that working sucks and I wish to win the mega millions.

Well, even if I hit the mega millions I would still work… Just not as hard. I’m only 19 and I can imagine others who work two to three jobs around my age while balancing school.. It is far from easy.

But we know this already. When it’s Sunday and you know tomorrow you have work and school and that you have to start the week over, it sucks. It also is difficult being at a job in the real world. It is literally a jungle out there. We are all fiercely competing to rise to the top. It is exhausting.

So what do we do? We think better thoughts.

Sounds like a bunch of bull crap huh? Well it somewhat is.

Spring Break is Over… Back to Reality

19 Mar

After spending this week working, doing absolutely nothing with my time, I am sad to say it has come to an end. R.I.P. Spring break.

Time to go back to school. Sucks. For a moment I had gotten used to life without assignments, stress, and studying. But its back to reality.

You can get pretty used to being free, but it’s time to slap on those shackles and get used to becoming a slave to the educational system.

Okay maybe that was a little extreme, but that’s sure what it feels like.
Here are a few tips I’ve established to help you get used to the cuffs.

-Remembering there are only a few weeks left till schools over.
-Reading notes from the last class to set the mood. -_-
-Getting a head start on school work that may be due the week you come back.

Hopefully we all get through this. R.I.P. Spring Break, you will be missed. For those who have not started their Spring Break yet, I envy you.

Trouble Waking Up On-Time?

1 Mar


Today I woke up late for class, so I missed it of course. I was so mad, I wanted to kick myself in the ass seven times. I would have if I could, but my leg doesn’t bend that way.

I wonder how it was possible for me to wake up late when I have three alarms in 30 minute intervals to prepare me to get up.

This baffled me, so I conjured up a new scheme that will have me on time and with my butt in the seat on time.

That idea is….. USING TWO ALARMS.

I will have my phone alarm and set my television on maximum volume and put it on a timer so it will turn on at the time I set.

Chances are, when the T.V. alarm goes off it will scare the hell out of me. But life’s a bitch, so you need to deal with it.

How to Tell if You Have Low Self Esteem and Boosting Tips

1 Mar

Many people suffer from low self-esteem. But, it is crucial to recognize this self diminishing complex so that it can be"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt reversed as soon as possible. Truth is, people don’t like really being around people with low self-esteem because they are too busy beating themselves up, than having fun.

You know you have low self-esteem if:

When someone compliments you, instead of accepting the compliment you keep saying remarks to make them repeat it.

When you put other people down and that somehow helps you move on from a situation.

When you are constantly talking about other people’s flaws.

When you are always talking about your flaws to try to get people to tell you they are okay.

When you don’t feel good about yourself unless someone compliments you.

Now that we know the signs, lets talk about it. First off..

Grow the hell out of it. Every one is beautiful in their own damn way. Stop annoying people with your dumb insecurities you are fine! People get sick and tired of having to repeat damn compliments just accept it and move on. Oh wait, maybe there is a reason you are insecure. Maybe your family made comments, or your boyfriend, or friends. Well here’s some tips.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Whoever the person making you insecure is, chances are that person is insecure and that’s why they make you feel that way. So grow the hell out of it, realize you’re the best, and let your bad ass alter ego come out. Trust me every one can find love. But you wont find it if your annoying as hell bringing up all your problems. So change that, and you might feel better about yourself.


1 Mar

They Just Add Some Spice To Our Lives, Don’t They?

There is always at least one “friend” that secretly despises you. We all have them. We all know it. Now, you would think I would advise everyone to kick them to the curb… but not before we have some fun with them first.

The best way to deal with this breed of people is to kill them with kindness.

What a better way to piss someone off when they don’t like you, than be exorbitantly nice to them.

Some may think “Hell no, I’m not being nice to that trash bag.” My response? “Than you’re no fun.”

If you’re not sure if you have a frenemy, here’s a video that may help spot these misery-hungry savages.

Now go out there and piss these people off!

Game Addiction

28 Feb

I just downloaded a game application to my smart phone this week. Lets just say, I have gotten zero work done because of it. I would wake up and play, play while my teacher wasn’t looking, playing while my friend was crying to me about her boyfriend, and playing at work.

I finally beat the game so I guess that is why I am finally blogging… if not I would have been playing. But, this is not the first time  I have been addicted to a game…

So how did I stop each time? I cut the crap and realized angry birds was not going to pay the damn bills.

Most people would:

-Have a family member hide the game until you finish whatever task, then have them give it to you as a reward.

-Beat the game before you have any work to do that may be due on a certain day.

-Accept defeat.

-Quit cold turkey.

-Throw the game out.

-Sell it.

But in the harsh world where feelings are inconvenient, you can realize your wasting your life away and allowing your addiction to take your life over and think that the next thing you know it, you will be middle aged, not holding a job, and not even being able to afford any games.

So work hard now so when it pays off, you can play all the games your heart desires.

Gaming Addiction can be viewed as a serious condition, if you are having a hard time letting go of your console, click here.

Easy Way Out

22 Feb

I was talking to my cousin’s friend who is a year younger than me (18) and asked him what profession he wanted to study. He said architecture. Impressive. “What made you choose that as a career choice?” he responded “My teacher said you don’t have to be in school that long to be one.” -_- What the hell?!                 Thanks Insinfo>

Lets think for a second. (Don’t try too hard you might hurt yourself)

Now this simple-minded individual thought he was taking the easy way out. HAHA jokes on you young man. It takes approximately 18 years to become an architecture, a good one at least. he would have gone through twice as much work just for trying to take the easy way out.

Also who is this dumb teacher who said you don’t need a lot of years in school to become an architect. Hmm. So this is who is teaching our youth? Thats scary.

For all you slackers out there who think your taking the easy way out by doing what gets the fastest result, you’re fooling yourself. How about you get off your lazy asses and go educate yourself so you can become a productive part of society instead of a self-absorbed idiot who 15 years down the road is going to wish you chose the right path.

Realistically its your own life. Why do I care what path you take? Because I want some damn competition. Is that too much to ask for?

Telling the Truth

20 Feb

So today my cousin was trying on outfits to wear to a party. As I tried to escape, knowing that the infamous question was soon to come, she hit me with it. “Does this dress make me look fat?” She asked.

I get it, you should make people feel good and all that crap, but in my world where reality is more important than people’s feelings, I could not tell a lie.

My response? “Hell yes.”

Chances are, if the buttons look like they are about to pop off and hit me in the face, that outfit does not fit you the way it’s supposed to unless your intentions were to be a walking firing device.

Most people would take these approaches to tell the truth:

Recommend something different. Ex: I like the other blouse better. instead of saying “You look atrocious.”

Sympathize. You don’t have to be so straight forward like me. Ex. “Sorry, but that doesn’t look good.”

Be straight forward. “You look big, you should change.”

BUT this is no fairy tale land where people care about feelings. “You look fat, change,” and walking away should get the point across. Good luck!