How to Tell if You Have Low Self Esteem and Boosting Tips

1 Mar

Many people suffer from low self-esteem. But, it is crucial to recognize this self diminishing complex so that it can be"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt reversed as soon as possible. Truth is, people don’t like really being around people with low self-esteem because they are too busy beating themselves up, than having fun.

You know you have low self-esteem if:

When someone compliments you, instead of accepting the compliment you keep saying remarks to make them repeat it.

When you put other people down and that somehow helps you move on from a situation.

When you are constantly talking about other people’s flaws.

When you are always talking about your flaws to try to get people to tell you they are okay.

When you don’t feel good about yourself unless someone compliments you.

Now that we know the signs, lets talk about it. First off..

Grow the hell out of it. Every one is beautiful in their own damn way. Stop annoying people with your dumb insecurities you are fine! People get sick and tired of having to repeat damn compliments just accept it and move on. Oh wait, maybe there is a reason you are insecure. Maybe your family made comments, or your boyfriend, or friends. Well here’s some tips.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Whoever the person making you insecure is, chances are that person is insecure and that’s why they make you feel that way. So grow the hell out of it, realize you’re the best, and let your bad ass alter ego come out. Trust me every one can find love. But you wont find it if your annoying as hell bringing up all your problems. So change that, and you might feel better about yourself.

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