Mid-Terms Got You Stressed?

1 Mar

It’s mid-term time! Boo! So this means I will be on a high caffeine diet, which will probably have me in the hospital over the weekend getting my sensitive stomach pumped, all in the name of good grades.

For most people it’s a breeze, but because I’m me, I have more complex unnecessary obstacles to face, I’ll be lucky if I make it out alive.

But lets remember, mid terms wont kill you, they will kick your ass, but I don’t think you can die from it.

Any who, to prepare for the mid-term scrutiny, I:

Take deep breaths

Remember tomorrow is another day

Drink lots of caffeine

Remind myself that I may need to sacrifice my fashion sense to have more time to study

It is a proven fact that stress does not help brain activity. So do whatever you need to relax and then you will see your brain is absorbing more information than it would if you were stressed. Brain activity is reduced when you are stressed and that compromises your rationale. That’s a skill you will need for your test.

Want to know what’s funny? Finals are worse. HAHA. So to keep our sanity, lets not think about how much more hell tomorrow will bring.

One Response to “Mid-Terms Got You Stressed?”

  1. Jean Aguirre March 1, 2011 at 6:18 am #

    very well put, i hate mid terms and the stress it brings! take life a day at a time! 🙂

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